Comic Strips as we have known them have been wielded by many online and printed outlets around the world for two main purposes, the political and the comical one.There is some debate about the first printed comic strip; one of the first use of political comic strips in newspapers went back as far as the 1700's in satirical magazines in Europe and soon were rapidly becoming more commonly used. Its growing popularity soon resulted in the first comic book. In 1827 a Swiss author and caricature artist by the name of Rodolphe Töpffer, whom some consider the father of the modern comic strip, was illustrating various different stories and was joined by many other comic artists and caricaturists. As comic strips gained momentum in newspapers and the printing culture became easily accessible to use, both political and humorous comic strips were already being applied to many different countries all over the globe.
Around the world the growing popularity of Comic Strips were soon made into 10 cent Pulp Magazines, which started around 1896, and featured different types of stories from adventure series to soap opera novelas. Modern Comic Books soon grew from both the contribution of Pulp Magazines and Comic Strips, and their origins can even be traced from 1800's in both Japan and Europe. In America they became popularized in the 1930's and in only a few years many stand alone Comics grew into full-fledged Comic Book Series (and in Britain and in Europe they are serialized in Comic Magazines.) The 1930’s is truly where the world’s entire culture was changed forever as there was an explosion of developing Comics from the US, Britain, France, Italy and Japan and their influence grew to encompass the entire world. Using this brief look into the development of Comic Strips and Comics Books it is important to understand the decidedly Western influence that helped shape Arabic Comics and Popular Culture into what they are today. |
A Retrospective of the Evolution of Arabic ComixThis timeline of Arabic comic history, includes its influences and evolution. The timeline depicts key dates that marks the metamorphous of Arab comics and what they have become.